How Should We Then Live? Chapter 9: Modern Philosophy and Modern Theology
The picture is the cover to Axis: Bold As Love by Jimi Hendrix. I thought it summarized the different ways modern man tries to find meaning without reason. Among other things he searches in music, drugs, and Eastern religion, which show up in the cover art. In chapter 8 Schaeffer explains the Breakdown of philosophy and science, which was a shift away from reason in philosophy and to strict materialism in science. The chapter contained multiple dual or parallel ideas ending with a dichotomy between faith and reason. Dichotomy means to cut in two pieces with the remaining parts standing diametrically opposed. There isn't any duality in chapter 9. Instead it records the long descent into nothing that started with the Breakdown and continued through intellectuals spreading their ideas out into the general public. At the end of the journey, existentialism and nihilism leave people in despair, so modern man tries to escape that despair by gra...