Comments On Post-Millennialism

Earlier this week I made a comment on another blog (link here) that was talking about how destructive utopian movements can be.  In them the people are trying to make the world a better place, even the best place.  However, they frequently turn to mass violence and oppression because they misunderstand and then violate human nature.  Human nature in this world is corrupted by sin, which exists in every person and there is no way to intellectually or scientifically remove it.  My comment is below:

"Utopian movements in the West come out of Post-Millennialism. For some reason it was a widely held view within some groups of the Reformation.

Once the idea was secularized in the Enlightenment, it lead to all this hell. The idea that humans can perfect themselves and the world is pure hubris.

The key to me is that God has to make pure everyone who will enter into Paradise. It is a supernatural act.

I can't understand how Post-Millennialism ever had adherents. It is very difficult to build a case for it Biblically. But even if the Bible was clearly pro, it isn't practical, due to the supernatural nature of perfecting man."

My comment struck a chord with another commenter, Roger, who believes the Post-Millennial view, and added his comment, which I have provided below:


I will not enter into this debate, but you should know that I hold to the post-millennial view and have for more than 40 years. I was raised Baptist, pre-millennial, pre-tribulation, so I know what I have left behind. I will never look back.

If you wish to debate this on your own blog, write an article, send me a link ( and I will mix it up with you. I will not do that on this blog.

You may be completely correct in your assertion that utopian movements come out of post-millennialism, but that does not mean that the concept itself is wrong."

I don't really want to make a debate out of this, but I do want to give Roger a chance to lay out his Biblical case for Post-Millennialism in public, semi-public in the case of this blog.  Roger, I hope you will take this opportunity to comment below explaining your view point.  


  1. seems like he didn't. not here at least.

    1. Yeah. He didn't. He replied to me directly. I wish he would have put in on here. It could have been instructive


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