The Ethics Of Liberty - The Internal Contradictions Of The State

The Ethics Of Liberty by Murray Rothbard The state can only exist if people believe it is legitimate. In order to construct such faith, intellectuals associated with the state concoct philosophies and narratives to teach the public. There are a variety of narratives, but they all revolve around a couple of basic ideas. The first is that government is necessary to protect people's rights. It is simply inevitable as a part of human nature. The second is that people themselves created the government for their own benefit, based on unanimous or very close to unanimous agreement. Society as a whole gave the prerogative to use protective violence over to one organization and only one organization. The third idea within these narratives is that because protecting people is its core function, the state can be trusted to carry out that function. However once you dig a little deeper , you will expose logical inconsistencies in those narratives....