The Ethics Of Liberty - The Nature Of The State

The Ethics Of Liberty by Murray Rothbard The 22nd chapter starts a new section titled "The State Versus Liberty". Rothbard then goes on to discuss what the State is, what it does, and how it justifies itself to the people. Its nature is encapsulated in the motto all libertarians know and love, "taxation is theft". This fact is inescapable. Even if the State was the organization that is most efficient at serving society, we should still be suspicious because of how it acquires its funds. Normally a person or an organization supports itself economically by providing a good or service and selling it to others on a voluntary basis. An exception to this rule is criminals who use violence, threats of violence, or deception to take from others involuntarily. We all consider them bad guys for doing so. Another other exception is the State. If you don't consider taxes a form of theft, then visualize what would happen if you refused to...