How Should We Then Live? Chapter 10: Modern Cinema
" without meaning... murder without guilt.. the dazzle and madness of London today" That about sums it up don't it, more so today than when Francis Schaeffer wrote this book. Keep these phrases in mind as you read. I propose it is the theme for Chapter 10. It is the theme of the world around us too. This chapter focused on how modern philosophy was disseminated through culture to society at large. Painters were the first to inculcate their art with this philosophy. Music composers were the second. Third were those writing poems, novels, and movies. This article will start off with a comment on how modern philosophy spread into scientific thought and then finish by looking at how philosophy affected movies in the early to mid-20th century. Positivism/Empiricism Fails Earlier I wrote about the rise and breakdown of modern science as its philosophical basis shifted. Schaeffer touches on anothe...